Submission Requirements

Bay Angels is excited to hear about your startup, the problem you are solving, the impact you are having, and the traction you are getting.

We have minimum requirements in order to be considered to pitch at a Bay Angels event, which includes at least one of the following:

  • A Referral From a Bay Angels Member in Good Standing
  • Having Raised funds from individuals or institutions
  • A Minimum Trailing 12-Month Revenue (TTM) of $100,000 USD
  • Founder has had at least one successful exit previously

Pitch Deck Guidance

Bay Angels evaluates submissions based on a standard scorecard.

Each submission is reviewed by a quorum of evaluators. The Deal Flow Committee reviews the 10 key areas of our BAY ANGELS RUBRIC and assigns points for each area.

To ensure a fair and equal evaluation, priority is given to companies that follow this format and include the information  requested below in their pitch decks and presentations. 

Please ensure the following topics are covered in your pitch deck:

  • Intro Slide:  State the company name and, underneath, its business structure (e.g. Delaware C Corporation, LLC, Sole Proprietorship, etc.), and company’s key contact info (name, title, email, phone number).
  • Problem Slide:  State the business problem you are trying to solve.
  • Solution Slide:  State your solution to the business problem, and how it is being accomplished.
  • Market Analysis Slide:  Illustrate the size of the market you are playing in, along with a market overview.
  • Competition Slide:  Show how you win today against competitors, and how you will sustain your winning differentiation over time. Include strengths and weaknesses among you and your current/potential competitors.  
  • Go-to-Market Strategy Slide:  What resources and/or partnerships will be required, what are the critical elements of the roadmap and what milestones will demonstrate past, current and future success?
  • Traction Slide:  Show us your proof of product/service demand that has already been achieved and key milestones – past, present,  and future.
  • Operations Slide:  Outline the manufacturing, production, delivery plan for the product/service.  What is the expected OpEx required to successfully support the organization and production / distribution?  Where will Operations be based and why?
  • Revenue Projection Slide:  Display your company’s sales projections over a five year period.
  • Team Slide:  List the company’s key team members (e.g. Executive team, Board of Advisors. etc.)
  • The ASK Slide:  State what round you are raising, (Pre-Seed, Seed, Series A, etc), amount and terms being raised; ask should cover AT LEAST 18-24+ months of operations and list the expected use of funds. 
  • Closing Slide:  Display a big “THANK YOU” in the middle of the slide. Under it, list the same key contact information as in intro slide. (email, phone number, etc.)
  • Addendum – Here you can add Feature/Functionally slides, additional data you deem necessary (do not make this part of your pitch deck please)


Pitch Event Selection Guidelines:

Bay Angel reviews companies through two phases before selecting them for our pitch event. The first phase involves reviewing pitch deck submissions and inviting top entrants to our preliminary pitch session (or Open Office Hours). At the preliminary pitch event held two weeks before the official event, multiple companies pitch for the limited spots at our official pitch event. This event is mandatory and those we do not make the cut are put on stand-by status. Our commitment to transparency with you, the Founder, is paramount. This process exemplifies our dedication to ensuring a fair and comprehensive selection of the most promising companies for our monthly events.